We are aspiring to be a one-anothering community that adores Christ and embodies the warmth and wonder of our Savior in word and deed to all the world.
Our Aspiration
We aspire to be a one-anothering community that adores Christ and embodies Him in all His warmth and wonder in our words and deeds.
Our Mission
We strive, as we are energized by the Spirit of our Savior, to realize these aspirations by giving continuous attention to these three aspects of our life together:
Worship, Nurture, Witness

Sunday Worship Times
RCF at Lula Lake
Sunday Worship at 9:00 am
5209 Lula Lake Road
Lookout Mountain, GA 30750
RCF at Durham
Sunday Worship at 10:45 am
2008 Durham Road
Rising Fawn, GA 30738