Rock Creek Fellowship



We are a church that is constantly seeking to be a one-anothering community that “serves one-another in love” (Gal. 5:13). The Scriptures describe the church as the ‘body of Christ,’ that grows as each member uses their gifts to ‘build one another up in love’ (Eph. 4). So, in all our gatherings, small groups, and friendships, we are seeking to love one another, encourage one another, minister to one another, speak the truth to one-another, because it is through our one-anothering love that we will grow, and change and be transformed into the image of Christ.


Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry Coordinator: John Sadler

Our Vision: to foster a brotherhood of men who would encourage one another to adore Christ, lead and serve in whatever stage of life they may be, and live for God’s Kingdom in their homes, neighborhoods and vocations.

For a list of men’s ministry opportunities, please go HERE.

* If you are interested in joining men’s ministry at RCF please John Sadler.

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Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry Contact:

Our Vision: A Community of women encouraging one another in their enjoyment of Christ, the care of their friends and families, and service to their community.

Ministry Opportunities

  • Bible Studies: Various groups meeting throughout the year to study the scriptures together and encourage one another.

  • Gatherings: Conferences, retreats, forums, fellowship.

To see information about our current Bible Studies and women’s gatherings, please go HERE

Youth Ministry

Youth Director: Paul Byrd

Assistant Youth Director: Liz Daley

Our Vision: Leading young people into a relationship with Jesus Christ, a commitment to his church and a service to our neighbors.

Ministry Opportunities

  • Youth Group: gathering for worship, study of the Scriptures and fellowship, Sunday evenings throughout the semester.

  • Weekly Bible Study: small group gatherings for more focused study and discussion.

* If you are interested in joining youth ministry at RCF please contact :



Children’s Ministry Coordinator: Kendra Tingle

Our Vision: to equip and assist families in their work to impress the words and ways of our Savior upon the lives of the little ones that Christ has entrusted to us.

Ministry Opportunities

  • Children’s Ministry at our Lula Lake site:

    • Sunday School at Lula Lake meets directly after the service, from 10:00-10:30. (Fall, winter, and spring)

    • Nursery is provided year round for infants and toddlers, 6 mo-5 yrs old.

  • Children’s Ministry at Durham Rd:

    • Sunday Morning Nursery is provided year round for infants and toddlers, 6 mo.- 5 yrs. old.

    • Children’s Church for K-2nd graders meets each week at our 10:45 service. Children worship with their families during the first half of the service and then head to age-appropriate teaching during the sermon

*If you are interested in getting involved with children's ministry please contact Kendra: