February 13, 2022
One of the ways that Christ guards, guides, and nourishes his people and perpetuates their mission of embodying him in the world, is by giving them servant-leaders called Elders and Deacons. These men are called and equipped by Jesus himself and recognized by the congregation.
We believe the Scriptures describe Elders as those who teach and oversee the general health and well-being of the spiritual lives of the congregation
Deacons are mercy-workers and service leaders who oversee and inspire the congregation’s care of the poor, the sick, the disadvantaged, and the hurting both within the church and outside the church among the world that God loves. In addition these deacons model humble service as they oversee the care of the physical property that has been entrusted to the church.
Please read the scriptural qualifications set forth primarily in I Timothy 3 and in Titus 1. You will notice that character is far more heavily emphasized than competence in each of these descriptions. We are looking for men of exemplary character in whom the life of Jesus is evident. The Scriptures mentioned above describe an elder and deacon as a man who is:
• beyond reproach and respectable before both the believing and unbelieving community
• the husband of but one wife who relates and manages his relationships within his family faithfully and lovingly
• temperate and self-controlled, and therefore not given to drunkenness, but rather choosing self-discipline as a lifestyle
• hospitable and open with his time and home, and thereby welcomes friends and strangers
• able to teach and therefore well-grounded in the Word of God applied to himself personally, and is able to help others in practically applying it in their own lives
• gentle and not violent, nor quarrelsome nor quick-tempered; one who creates peace and honors truth
• not a lover of money, but is generous and gracious and giving
• seasoned and experienced as a servant of Christ, his church, and others.
The future direction and well-being of our church depends largely upon the leadership that God selects and ordains through his people. You have a critical role in helping us recognize those whom Jesus has gifted and called to this important ministry. Will you be praying and watching, that Jesus who adores and adorns his bride, would make clear to us which men he has called and resourced to serve as leaders in our congregation?