Evangelism & Missions
The story of the Bible is one which presents a God who pursues those who don’t know Him with diligence and intentionality. As a body of those who have been happily captured by Christ, we will always strive to imitate His diligence and intentionality in pursuing those who don’t know Him in our community, in our workplaces, and throughout the world, with the extravagant, heart-melting love, grace, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. We will be active in sending out workers who can carry the words and works of God’s good news to the uttermost parts of the earth both in long-term and short-term capacities.
Rock Creek Missionaries
Jeremiah Swaray, Sierra Leone
Daniel & April, Southeast Asia
Jamie & Bethany, East Asia
Neal & Debbie*, Central Asia, church planting
Sasha & Lena*, Central Asia Seminary
Jonathan and Maggie* Asia
Mitchell Cooper Redeemer-Dubai
*Due to service in sensitive regions, full names and locations cannot be listed.
Robbie & Lydia Sweet, Saint Andrews, Scotland
Ross & Aislinn Meyer, London
Rebecca Giles-Serge
Christopher and Savanna-MTW in Western Europe
Emma Kate Mooney-Pioneers USA
Josh and Ashley Underwood-Scotland
Food for the Hungry, Peru
Josh and Liz Johnson-Honduras
Third Millennium Ministries, Orlando, Florida, World Seminary Curriculum
Tennessee Valley Presbytery
Chalmers Center for Economic Development
Aaron Xin Luo-US
Allebach Church Plant, Worcester, MA
Bridge Community Church, Easton, PA
Logan Keck, Boston, MA
Ministry Organizations
Covenant College (our denomination’s college)
Covenant Theological Seminary (our denomination’s seminary training future pastors and ministry workers)
Reformed Theological Seminary (our denomination’s seminary training future pastors and ministry workers)
Mission to the World MTW (our denomination’s mission’s agency sending missionaries around the world)
Mission to North America MNA (our denomination’s agency which facilitates church planting and disaster relief)
PCA Administration Committee (our denomination’s agency which oversees myriad administrative details for all the PCA’s churches)
TN Valley Presbytery (which in turns supports missions, church plants, and the work of the PCA in this region)
RUF Ministries (UTC, UTK, UTK international)
Souls of Men—Bob Bruhn
SOZO-Dan Pinckney
Lifespring Community Health-Chattanooga, TN