Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry Coordinator: Lisa Brown

Our women’s ministry desires to be a community of women who encourage one another in their enjoyment of Christ, the care of their friends and families, and in service to their community.

If you would like to receive news on upcoming women’s events and opportunities,  please subscribe below

Ministry Opportunities

Morning and Evening Bible studies

Monthly “Gather and Share” fellowships

Two local retreats




  • Beginning September 12, and running for 6 weeks, Katie Bostrom will be facilitating discussion of Paige Brown’s study on Jonah. 

    Time: 9AM on Tuesday mornings

    Where: Restoration Southside Church (3146 Broad St)

    Contact Katie if interested, 423-505-4228 **childcare is not provided

  • Beginning September 12 and running for 6 weeks, Donnelly Bontekoe will be facilitating discussion of Paige Brown’s study on Jonah.

    Time: Tuesdays, 7-8:30PM

    Where: Durham Rd. 

    Contact Donnelly if interested,


    **childcare is not provided

  • Beginning September 20 and running for 6 weeks, Lisa Brown will be leading a study on the women of the gospel.

    Time: Wednesday mornings, 8:30-10:30AM

    Where: TBD

    Contact Lisa Brown for more information, 229-413-2656

    **childcare provided

  • Beginning Wednesday, September 13 and running through May, BSF will be studying the book of John.

    Time: Wednesday mornings, 9:15-11:30AM

    Where: RCF at Lula Lake

    Contact Marion Campbell for more information: 423-827-8340

    **childcare provided

  • Gather & Share meets on the third Sunday of each month. All women are invited to bring what you’re experiencing in your life with Jesus—a story, a prayer, a song, a praise, a learning. Or just come and soak it all up—no offering necessary!

    Time: 3rd Sunday of each month, 6:30-8PM

    Where: 861 Long Branch Rd.; Rising Fawn, GA

    Contact Eve Roebuck for more information 423-413-9224