Sunday School Fall 2018

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Sunday School at Durham Road

Sunday School will begin at 9:30 on Sunday, September 9. 

Our Pre-K class will focus on the theme God Leads His People. Preschoolers learn that God sent his Son, Jesus, to save his people from their sins. They learn that those who trust the Lord Jesus as their living Savior can be sure of forgiveness of sins and help to follow God’s leading. Pre-K will be taught by Grace DeGraaf and Hannah Williams and will meet in the 4-5 year old nursery. 

Our K-2nd Grade class will be studying prophets and kings from the Old Testament. By the end of this quarter, our children will come to know that our obedience is a privilege and a gift from God, and they will thank him for his grace and goodness. K-2nd grade will be taught by Caroline McKissick and Ashlyn Franks and will meet in the 2-3 year old nursery. 

Our 3rd-5th Grade class will study the Ten Commandments and the Westminster Shorter Catechism. They will discover that the law is not the enemy but the friend of those who are redeemed by Christ and united to him by faith. 3rd-5th grade will be taught by Emily Goff and Michelann Settle and will meet upstairs in the classroom on the left at the end of the hallway. 

Adults are invited to join in the teaching and discussion of 2 Corinthians in the Cupola Room (upstairs on the right) from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Pastor Corby and Bob Bruhn will be leading this class where we will be learning about God's supply of grace for His people under pressure. Three dominant themes will be explored: God's comfort in suffering; God's strength in weakness; and God's discernment in deception.

Maggie Husband will be returning to watch the infant nursery during the Sunday School hour.


Sunday School at Lula Lake

Sunday School will begin after the 9:00 am worship service on Sunday, September 9. 

Our Lower Elementary class will be taught by Oma and Opa Huisman. This semester, our children will be challenged to trust and obey the loving heavenly Father, who has called them to belong to his family and has revealed who he is through his Word.

Our Upper Elementary class will be taught by Emily Webb and Jane Henegar. Their topic is Worshiping God. As students learn to “feed” on God’s Word, they will discover a deepening treasure that will last a lifetime.

Our older kids will be taught by Jackson Slagle, Scott Hoelsema and Marilyn Griffith. They will be studying "The Good News We Almost Forgot" by Kevin DeYoung.