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Sunday School at Durham Road

Sunday School will begin at 9:30 on Sunday, January 13. 

Our PreK class will be learning what it means to belong to the most special family of all—the family of God.  Children will be taught what it means to be a child of God. They will learn that God’s love is so great that he calls them his children, making them part of his covenant family. Our PreK class will be taught by Hannah Williams and Rebekah Castano and will meet in the 4-5 year nursery room.

Our K - 2nd graders will be learning about the life of Jesus in three units. First, the Coming of the Promised Savior. Second, in Growing in Trusting Jesus. The final unit, children are encouraged to respond to the the love of Jesus by Believing in the Power of God’s Son. He can be trusted to meet their needs and help in all life’s circumstances. Our K-2nd graders will be taught by Caroline McKissick and Ashlyn Franks and will meet in the 2-3 nursery room.

Our 3rd-5th graders will be introduced to God’s Design for Worship through a topical study of tabernacle worship in Exodus and Leviticus and how it was fulfilled in the coming of the promised Savior.  No longer bound by tabernacle worship because of Jesus’ perfect sacrifice for us, we can draw near to God through faith in Christ, who is our High Priest. Our 3rd-5th graders will be taught by Michelann Settle and Emily Goff and will meet upstairs in the classroom on the left at the end of the hallway.

Our Adult Class will be continuing our study of 2 Corinthians. On January 20 we will be discussing chapter 6, verses 3-13. From there, we will be learning about the cost and beauty of genuine Christian living; the nature of true repentance; the proper response to God’s great generosity to us; the difference between true and false gospels and the glory of weakness in the hands of God.

Sunday School at Lula Lake

Sunday School will begin after the 9:00 am worship service on Sunday, January 6. 

Our Lower Elementary class will be taught by Oma and Opa Huisman. This semester, our children will be challenged to love the risen, sovereign, glorious Lord because he has called his people to himself and revealed who he is in his Word. We have a wonderful opportunity to help our children understand what it means to love Jesus—to praise him, believe his Word, follow his commands, and show his love to others.

Our Upper Elementary class will be taught by Emily Webb. The topic is Listening to Jesus. As students learn about Jesus as Son of God and Redeemer, they will also learn that Jesus teaches us about ourselves. Students are encouraged to acknowledge their sinfulness and recognize that only Jesus can save them.

Our older kids will be taught by Jackson Slagle, Scott Hoelsema and Marilyn Griffith. They will be studying "The Good News We Almost Forgot" by Kevin DeYoung.