Prayer on November 16, 2016
Good Wednesday Morning Rock Creek,
For today I have composed a prayer for rain. I’m hopeful we might plead for it together, and that you’ll feel free to share it if you find it helpful as it would be a gift for us to be pleading for some relief for our community.
I want also to thank so many of you who so quickly helped at Lookout Highlands on Sunday night. It looks like that neighborhood is slowly re-populating with no damage to any houses after the evacuation from the weekend.
Lastly, this little thought from Martin Luther which some of you heard on Sunday morning:
“I have one preacher that I love better than any other on earth; it is my little tame robin, who preaches to me daily. I put some crumbs upon my window sill, especially at night. He hops onto the window sill when he wants his supply, and takes as much as he desires to satisfy his need. From thence he always hops to a little tree close by, lifts up his voice to God and sings his carol of praise and gratitude, then tucks his little head under his wing, goes fast to sleep, and leaves tomorrow to care for itself. He is the best preacher that I have on earth!”
May we learn from the robin, and expect from the One who lets him sleep in peace.
November 16, 2016 Prayer
“I know that the Lord is great,
that our Lord is greater than all gods.
The Lord does whatever pleases him,
in the heavens and on the earth,
in the seas and all their depths.
He makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth;
he sends lightning with the rain
and brings out the wind from his storehouses.” Psalm 135
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
We know this Wednesday morning that you are remarkably great.
And you do whatever pleases you.
You are ever working out “everything in conformity with the purpose of your will.”
This is a comfort when things are not as we wish.
We praise you that “You have the wisdom to count the clouds and can tip over the water jars of the heavens when the dust becomes hard and the clods of earth stick together” as you reminded the dismayed Job. (Job 38)
This morning we have some dismay of our own.
Our city is smothered in smoke, and fields are parched with thirst.
Wild fires multiply, finding easy fuel.
The loveliness of your world is obscured from our eyes.
And so many are reeling from the effects.
Will you be pleased to confound the fires, to dispel the smoke, to clear the air, and to remove the danger to homes, lungs, and eyes by bringing ample rain and erasing winds?
The alarm of this drought and the prevalence of the fires turns our attention to you, who alone can bring reversal.
We herald you this morning for you:
cover the sky with clouds;
supply the earth with rain
and make grass grow on the hills.
you provides food for the cattle
and for the young ravens when they call.
your pleasure is not in the strength of the horse,
nor your delight in the legs of the warrior;
but you delight in those who fear you,
who put their hope in your unfailing love. (Psalm 147)
We put our hope in your reliable fidelity today.
We hurl ourselves at your feet for mercy and ask that you would be pleased to bring relief to these drought conditions all around us.
It would be such a mercy.
We remember that part of the marvel of your character is that you bring rain on the just and the unjust.
We plead for your people and for your enemies as well…bring replenishing waters so the ground may drink, the fires may be snuffed out, and the air may be revived.
Protect, lead, and embolden firefighters.
Energize your people to serve those who need it.
Preserve the land, property, health, and livestock of folks near and far in the middle of these harsh conditions.
We’re awfully sorry for how often we have complained about the weather…that it was too hot, or cold, too rainy, foggy, or gloomy. We forgot that these were conditions you had appointed for us. And we weren’t grateful when it didn’t suit us.
And we sure aren’t wise enough to evaluate best what we need. But we count on you to be.
We’re awfully sorry for how easy it is to forget that just because we can check an app or watch a meteorologist on tv to find out what the weather is going to be, we do not therefore control our tomorrows.
The weather, the future, our moments, our breath…all these are in your hands. And we place them there confident of your unmatched goodness.
Though we don’t deserve it, we pray in the name of Jesus who does, that you will let your favor surround us in this wide struggling area in a mighty specific way by bringing rains that no one presently forecasts or predicts.
And as you bring downpours, we ask that you might likewise drench our dry and thirsty nation with mercy that will calm down our harshness, judgment, and fear.
“Increase our love for each other and for everyone else”, and as we have graciously come to expect the attentiveness of your ears, let ours be likewise attentive to the poor, the forgotten, the frightened, the lonely…and any who are not naturally of our “tribe.”
Rain down literal precipitation and also the Spirit of reconciliation both far and wide.
Let us be agents of your refreshment wherever we go this day as you empower us and permit us to be “filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Christ Jesus our Lord.” Amen