Women's Ministry Fall 2019
Please join us as we feast on God's Word! We will be following a plan called the Bible Reading Challenge. Please check out the link HERE. It begins on September 9th, so feel free to start reading then. We will be meeting at the home of Debbie Priddy on Tuesday evenings at 7:30, beginning September 10. No childcare provided. Come spend time with us as we discuss the readings, grow in relationship with one another, and become women who truly know and are fed by the Word of God. We will provide creative solutions for fitting it into busy lives and learn to biblically encourage one another. Email Caroline Rash (Caroline.malone94@gmail.com) if you have any questions about the study.
Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) begins September 11!
This year BSF will be studying the book of Acts and Letters of the Apostles (Acts, I Corinthians, 1&2 Thessalonians, Hebrews, I Peter and James) We will be meeting at Rock Creek Fellowship (5209 Lula Lake Rd) from 9:30-11:00am every Wednesday for 9 months, breaking for most school holidays. This is a satellite group, which means that we meet in small groups to discuss lessons each week, and then we view a recorded lecture from Gretchin Davis. Gretchin is the teaching leader at the BSF ladies night class in East Brainerd. Childcare is provided. For more information please go to bsfinternational.org. If you’d like to join, please send an email request to our class administrator,Tami Switzer at goldpoint1@epbfic.com. And if you have any question, please contact Marion Campbell at (423) 827-8340.